Quarantine Journal

Day (who the hello knows)

Finding myself in the category of the at risk population and the proud owner of a basket full of meds. (In other words that means that I am older than dirt as one of my kids once told me but the alternative is not very attractive either) I have been on a retreat as I like to call it in my art studio . After cleaning ( which is the first requirement of quarantine) I promptly found some old 1950s banknotes that I had forgotten I had. This led me to start thinking about the 1950s and to make a few comparisons after all that song tells us that everything old is new again . Thumbing through the Internet looking at ads from the 1950s of Women in the kitchen. I was struck by the similarities of the 1950s when women seemed to like to cook and now. I had just read on Facebook (so you know it’s true ) about all the people hanging out in their kitchens baking bread and all sorts of wonderful treats. But I bet the only difference is that back in the 1950s the women were dressed to the hilt and always smiling (according to ads I was seeing) and today you know you fell into the kitchen in your day jammies out of boredom not wanting to track out to the store, and tried to make grandma‘s chocolate cake. Some of you had Success maybe even inviting the children into the kitchen with you because after all you’re all trapped in the house and required to spend time with one another. Wanting to keep up with Jones I decided to give it a try but not achieve success. I made that now famous phone call to Instacart praying that my personal shopper would truly be able to find a chocolate cake , it was not like I was asking her to find me toilet paper. Besides I couldn’t go because who knew that in a pandemic all of the clothes in my closet would mysteriously shrink at least 2 inches. Not wanting to be a part of that new video on Facebook about people going to Walmart wearing odd clothes, I take a deep breath what could go wrong. The last time I placed an order I only got my order 3 times, and really how bad would that be 3 chocolate cakes. Well back into the studio Retreat I go munching on my yummy chocolate Ding Dong. Who knew how good these were compared to grandma’s chocolate cake . I finished my 1950s inspired lady of the kitchen using a few of those 1950’s banknotes and an old apron pattern. Now maybe I will be free from this blessed quarantine but no faith would have it that it is surely not going to happen yet maybe just maybe I should try another 1950s inspired portrait. I know everyone has taken up sewing and I do have some of the apron pattern paper left over but it might make me want to try my hand at sewing and with my luck I might sew my fingers together being older than dirt and all. I think I will just roll this around in my head while listening to that song about everything old being new again and enjoying my second dingdong. How is it going with your quarantine and what yummy thing did you learn to bake?


This Creative Life