This Creative Life
Title : Escape Size : 23 1/2 x 6 with 2 inch sides Wood Panel
Sometimes this creative life is a struggle. I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing since the beginning of the new year. Lack of time is not the problem, I have been in the house for weeks now my brain hurts from all of it. Lord knows if I balled up paper where an art form I would have made it to the big time. The only other thing that was happening was the thrum thrum sound of the pencil hitting the blank sketchbook. I must say that I can play a mean sketchbook drum , maybe I should become a musician. Who needs a tone deaf musician? I did get a Commission finished and I like it, and enjoyed working on it. So all hope is not lost. What was about it that kept me engaged ? I have been doing animals for about a year now but this is a cup of coffee with some cookies. Certainly not an animal , so maybe that was it . I needed to take a break from making my beloved Animals. If only I could take a boat to some place new away from all this virus stuff. Then it hit me. I have that funny size panel that I bought at Jerry’s a year ago because it was a good price. I could do a small boat on it . I haven’t done one of those before . Yes I could play around with reflections . The excitement was finally returning. Maybe I have broken the dry spell at last . The whole time I worked on this boat all I could think of was the story The Wild Things. You know where Max was wild so they sent him to bed without any super . I think if my husband could have he would have sent me to bed without any supper , as I’m sure I was a pill to live with. In the story Max sailed through the days and weeks but, I felt as though I rowed upstream against the current in a storm till it was decided what to paint. Max was able to tame the Wild Things and maybe I did too in my own way. But I can tell you there was not any supper waiting for me when I returned . I had to cook it. The boat is waiting peacefully tied to the mooring now . Where would you dare to take it if you could? As for me you will have to keep watching to see but know that my animals will return as soon as this break is over. Maybe I should put a Big fat elephant in a very small boat sailing away. Now that would be absurd and we all know that artists don’t do anything like that but ,oh so funny . Maybe Na but, I bet it would probably sell .